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sc>Alistair3149 Keine Bearbeitungszusammenfassung |
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Aktuelle Version vom 22. Juli 2024, 11:45 Uhr
Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul kann unter Modul:I18n/Doku erstellt werden
require( 'strict' )
local i18n = {}
local metatable = {}
local methodtable = {}
metatable.__index = methodtable
local libraryUtil = require( 'libraryUtil' )
local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType
--- Cache table containing i18n data
--- e.g. cache['en']['SMW'] will get you the SMW table in English
local cache = {}
--- Cache language codes for reuse
local languages = {}
--- Retrieve dataset namespace from key prefix
--- @param key string The translation key
--- @return string
local function getNamespace( key )
local namespace = string.match( key, '([^_]*)' )
return namespace
--- Retrieve a list of applicable language codes
--- @return table
local function getLanguageCodes()
if #languages > 0 then return languages end
local mwlang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local langCodes = { mwlang:getCode() }
local fallbackLangCodes = mwlang:getFallbackLanguages()
if next( fallbackLangCodes ) ~= nil then
for _, fallbackLangCode in pairs( fallbackLangCodes ) do
table.insert( langCodes, fallbackLangCode )
mw.log( string.format( '🌐 [i18n] Setting language chain: %s', table.concat( langCodes, '→' ) ) )
return langCodes
--- Loads a dataset and saves it to the cache
--- @param lang string
--- @param namespace string
--- @return table|nil { data = "The dataset", keys = "Translation key mapped to index" }
local function load( lang, namespace )
-- Init language cache if it does not exist
if cache[ lang ] == nil then
cache[ lang ] = {}
if cache[ lang ][ namespace ] then
return cache[ lang ][ namespace ]
local datasetName = string.format( 'Module:i18n/%s/%s.json', namespace, lang )
local success, data = pcall( mw.loadJsonData, datasetName )
if not success then
mw.log( string.format( '🚨 [i18n] Loading dataset[%s][%s]: %s not found on wiki', lang, namespace, datasetName ) )
-- Cache the empty result so we do not run mw.loadJsonData again
cache[ lang ][ namespace ] = {}
cache[ lang ][ namespace ] = data
mw.log( string.format( '⌛ [i18n] Loading dataset[%s][%s]: %s', lang, namespace, datasetName ) )
return cache[ lang ][ namespace ]
--- Returns translated message (or key if returnKey is enabled)
--- @param key string The translation key
--- @param options table|nil Optional options
--- @return string|nil
function methodtable.translate( self, key, options )
options = options or {
['returnKey'] = true
checkType( 'Module:i18n.translate', 1, self, 'table' )
checkType( 'Module:i18n.translate', 2, key, 'string' )
checkType( 'Module:i18n.translate', 3, options, 'table' )
mw.log( string.format( '🔍 [i18n] Looking for message: %s', key ) )
local namespace = getNamespace( key )
if namespace == nil then
-- No namespace found error
mw.log( string.format( '❌ [i18n] Namespace cannot be found from: %s', key ) )
if options['returnKey'] == true then
return key
languages = getLanguageCodes()
local message
local i = 1
while ( message == nil and i <= #languages ) do
local dataset = load( languages[ i ], namespace )
if dataset then
local match = dataset[ key ]
if match then
message = match
mw.log( string.format( '✅ [i18n] Found message: %s', message ) )
i = i + 1
if message == nil then
mw.log( string.format( '❌ [i18n] Could not found message: %s', key ) )
if options['returnKey'] == true then
message = key
return message
--- New Instance
--- @return table i18n
function i18n.new( self )
local instance = {}
setmetatable( instance, metatable )
return instance
return i18n